Windle Score Calculator
New: Check out the new FOC Award Tools to calculate your scores for all FOC awards.
Scores generated on this page are not automatically reported to the Windle Manager. Use the new FOC Award Tools for automatic reporting!
- QSOs from from other years than the selected year and in modes other than
CW are automatically ignored. Nevertheless, please try to avoid uploading
unneccessary data. Most logbook software lets you specify a date range when
exporting to ADIF.
- QSOs with members under different calls are usually recognized (all calls from various databases are included). If not, you can specify the FOC call in the comment field of the ADIF file by simply writing e. g.
to make the contact count for DJ5CW.
- No data is permanently stored on this server. The log file
will be deleted as soon as it's processed, the Excel output
files are automatically deleted at regular intervals (1h) and are
never visible to the public.
- The generated windle sheet may require some manual
corrections, for example for members that operated with club
station callsigns etc.
- Example output: HTML, Excel
Last Database update:
2243 / OH1HAQ / 2025-03-01
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Last modified: Thursday, 02-Jan-2025 07:53:47 CET - Fabian Kurz, DJ5CW <>
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